Customer Success

The module teaches negotiation techniques such as active listening, tactical empathy, effective bargaining, and how to extract hidden information.

 ​​​Big Data

The world is constantly under change and we are bombarded by massive amounts of data. Data needs to be utilised in such a way that it produces usable information. Data, whether it be structured, unstructured or semi structured must be able to be mined appropriately. The module will create an understanding of the different types of data, data storage, data warehousing and data management.

 ​​​​Project Management

When working in any organisation it is important to be able to plan the ability to achieve a specific goal. Almost every task undertaken in business is a project. In project management, planning, analysis, scheduling, execution and finishing off are important skills to be able to use. The course will examine the basic characteristics and frameworks of projects, the project lifecycle, risk management activities, scheduling, resource management, documentation management and project governance.

 ​​​​​Microsoft Project

Now that the student has an understanding of project management, the student will learn how to use one of the most prolific project management tools. The programme will cover everything from starting a project, using calendars, managing both resources and tasks. 

Cash flow and budgeting

In any commercial environment it is important to know what it means when cash comes into or out of the company or business unit. Tie this into an understanding of what was expected to come in or out is critical to knowing if a project or company has the ability to succeed. In this module defining the various budgets and cash flows, preparing a budget and a cash flow, understanding how the budgets are used, following employee performance and understanding the importance of cash flows.

Commercial Negotiation

Understanding negotiation and the processes around a successful deal is a business skill that needs to be enhanced. The module encompasses understanding techniques such as active listening, slowing down the negotiation process, tactical empathy, how to say no, effective bargaining, extracting hidden information and a step-by-step effective bargaining.

Customer Service

As a member of the customer service, it is important to be the link between the customer and the company. Customer
service is important as it can enhance the business. In the customer service module, it is important to understand the art of good service. How to provide good service both in person and on the telephone, dealing with tough and difficult customers, learning good habits and understanding hazards and trends in the customer service space.

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