Customised Dashboard

Customised Dashboard

Part of Boston Connect’s service is to tailor-make and customise a dashboard to your company’s look and feel. Your company’s dashboard can include all the e-learning solutions and courses that are relevant to the needs and aspirations of your employees and/or members.

Boston Connect will facilitate the provisioning of staff and eligible members to the Online E-Learning benefit. This is achieved upon login to your company’s – Boston Connect’s co-branded website. This clickthrough will only be available to staff and eligible members.

Boston Connect will support and assist with the activation or registration of staff, members and learners via the unique Boston Connect URL. We will also facilitate the registration of staff and learners on the co-branded website and provide reports on the utilization of the education ecosystem by your company’s users.

Technical services are also included, such as website hosting, ongoing monitoring and maintenance of the website. Maintenance includes registration page, login page and content portal by Boston Connect, programme changes, system availability and data file provisioning.

We make monitoring, reporting and tracking of progress easy for your company.

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